About | Sigrid Peterson

A trained geographer, ethnographer, librarian, and writer. Bearer of the macabre distinction: "well-rounded." A professional resembling the so-called, “creatives," hold the preciousness. An admirer of beautiful words and silly pictures. Committed to helping you be just as beautiful and just as silly. . . and just as just. Book nerd. Moonlight cartoonist because moons are impossible to draw in the dark. Shameless hot dog lover. That’s a lie, I’m a little ashamed, and working on it.

A pacifist Viking who is rubbish at swordsmanship, who sometimes wields a non-photo blue pencil, india ink, cameras, recorders, microphones, Adobe tools, tablets, and many things Apple but for Red Delicious because, golly, what a misnomer.

"Sig" is a nickname given by my late father, Lyle. I take my gin martinis and wit as he did: dry, straight up, with two olives.


Email me for collaborations, wonky or absurd: sigrid.peterson@gmail.com     

Twitter: @sigpeterson